Een aantal enthousiaste verzamelaars houden de
herinnering aan de bevrijders van Mesch levend. In 2008 zetten zij hun
tenten op in Mesch .
Verslag van veteraan Arno Lasoe:
"On the morning of September 11th, the Group, having been relieved by
30th Infantry Division, which had made a forced march to reach the Canal,
made a sweeping 35 mile "end run" to the south to cross the Meuse River
at Liege and then move north along the east bank of the river against
stiff opposition, pushing the enemy to th north and securing a
bridgehead south of Visé which made possible the construction of a
bridge and the crossing of the river by the 30th Infantry Division.
Then, attached to 30th Infanttry Division, and with the 125th
Reconnaissance Squadro on the right flank and the 113th Cavalry
Reconnaissance Squadron on the left flank, the Group continued to move
north and northeast, assisting the division in the liberation of
Maastricht and sharing the honor of being the first American Troops in